Sunday, June 14, 2009

James's Birthday Celebration

Last week there was two people's birthday in my office James and Max. So it was like a birthday fiesta in the office. For James birthday no one was aware of it till his wife sends a cake to the office, when we actually realized it. But being us all the hyper people we all just gather around him and his cake and sang Happy Birthday song, took pictures and ate his so beautiful cake. His cake was so beautiful I tell you until I was like can we not cut it hhahhah... We felt a bit bad thou cause we didn't buy the cake for him yet we all dag in. So here are some pictures.

The Jelly Cake, Shaped of tow coffee cup and beans.
It must be because James loves coffee so much that his wife got him a cake shaped of it. I guess coz he is always drinking Starbucks, Coffee Bean, etc...Mostly blended.

The horriable feeling cutting such a beautiful cake.

A bunch of us at the Office, But still not all of us.

Cutting cake session + Camwhoring

Edited Photos
*all pictures courtesy of James*

Happy Birthday James.

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