Monday, April 14, 2008

Pirated VCD / DVD seller!!!

Yesterday after work I rushed to Plaza Pelangi which is in Jaybee town, to change a DVD called THE L WORD which I bought from there. As soon as arrived we went straight to the shop, and I told him that disc 3 is spoil the disc can’t be read. Then he started to search for a replacement, finally said that particular disc got no more stock. OK fine I told them to refund my money back since I am coming from far not from nearby this area. Then they told me to change to a different movie instead because there is no stock for the one I want and I said no I don’t want to and why should I!!! Then I started to get really pissed when I had to repeatedly tell him that I already have all the lattes DVD, and why should I change. So I demanded for my money back at this point I started to raise my voice a bit, and then he tells me to wait for a few days till they get the stock. So I explained to him nicely that I am coming from far, and I don’t want to wait so can I have my money back.

Then they asked me to wait for awhile, so I said OK. I don’t know where he went and what he did to get the DVD's. So when he came back he wanted to hand me over the new DVD I told to test it first!!! And guess what it still could not be read, so I said I want my money back now. See how they tried to play games just so they don’t have to return my money!!! I was so pissed at them, to tell you guys the truth I was at the verge of saying
return my money or I call the cops * But I didn’t do it OK!!!*.

Then he tells me that once the money is already in the cash register it can’t be taken out, then I said it is not my fault that your DVD is spoiled. So I kept on demanding for my money in front of his other customers, till some of them walked away from his shop. Then he kept on saying no till my voice got really loud, then his partner in crime open the cash register and took the money and return it back to me. I took the money and walk away from the shop cursing him in every way I could think of. There is no such thing as he can’t return my money back, it’s not like I didn’t return all the DVD’s purchased I did. So what the FU**!!!!

Up till now I am still so pissed at those tow monkeys. Grhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One thing is for sure I will never ever go to that shop ever again, but i will still support pirated DVD and VCD or even mp3. heheh :p


David Cheong said...

LOL kesian

snow_love said...

owh yea poor thing right!!


Unknown said...

I went through this several years back. In my case I bought an ahem software from the seedy part of Imbi Plaza. I went through exactly everything you described. And yes, I was from out of town too, shame. My name should show you that. (Ok, so I'm *very* out of town.)

In the end, like a scene out of HK crime dramas, the guy "serving" me went away for a few minutes, then came back with his taikor. Along with the taikor's men.

We had a little discussion--me trying my best with my failed Cantonese. When finally the taikor gave me the final answer, that he will not refund me even partial cash. The bunch of them then shoved me to the floor and one of them almost kicked me but was held back.

Police? I'm glad you have faith in your KL police force in 2008. Back then, coming from where I was from, what the people here know about the police can be summed up like this: they are only glad that the police only take kopi duit, and not take protection money.

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