I have this so called buddy lets name it X.
I see this X everyday and as day goes by its getting over my nerves.
I know I am going to explode soon and when ,I do its not going to be nice trust me.
I wish it would reach X's thick skull so that we can see changes and nobody has to fight.
But anyways I can only say the rest is left up to X.
Guys have you ever been in a situation where you cant do anything but see and keep quiet.
Even thou its wrong and you know you should do something about it.
Have you??
What did you guys do??
errr.. if it's me yg kena, i would try to ignore, or vent out my anger by drawing or listening to music. if it affects another person as well, i'd speak up and defend her/him.
but really depends on the situation tho. it's best to sabar je dulu, of course.
well zaty it effects more then one person..and it makes me hate going to work....i love my job and now someone it always there to make it suck....
tp whatever it is i am constantly trying to make things better for all of us....
just i wish i could solve it faster.
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